Phew..that was fun 🥴

Yesterday I finished phase 2 of “Operation Photo Organization.” Phase 1 began months ago in the thick of Covid as I sorted through hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds!) of loose photographs. I had boxes labeled and staged in the guest room and basically sat on the bed tossing pictures into them according to dates and/or…

Failing Inspection

This morning our local paper featured its report on recent restaurant inspections. My stomach tightened as I scrolled through the list of establishments that failed; happily, none the places we order take-out from were highlighted..this time. There were a few surprises though, local favorites were dinged for everything from grease build-up to improperly stored medicine….

Razors… everywhere. (Why organizing your stuff is so..ugh 🥴)

I don’t think I’ve been this embarrassed since I found four (six?) bottles of Chipotle powder in my spice cabinet. It’s that same lack of inventory control..only this time it’s in the bathroom. I’ve got razors people.. enough of them to shave every leg of an elite, olympic swim team.. and lotion? I’ve got that…

Simple Solutions

Does that cluttered counter-top look familiar? Early last week my bathroom sink area officially crossed the Rubicon into the land of total chaos. For the record, that photo is NOT of my mess.. Suffice it to say, I received a box of goodies from Sephora and had nowhere to put them..literally..except maybe the bathtub- I…

My 2021 Planner- week one!

It works every time I try it, so I’m not sure why in the past my commitment level has waxed and waned. When I use a planner I am laser focused, goal oriented, efficient, productive AND I always know what we are eating for dinner.. No mad, last minute archeological dig trying to unearth the…

Dec 2- It’s a good day to clean out your “purse.”

I have a reputation for carrying heavy purses. I don’t set out to weigh myself down, I simply lose track of what’s inside and never take the time to sort through the mess until my shoulder starts to ache. Did you know there is a condition called Heavy Purse Syndrome? Symptoms include: Upper Back and…