Are we there yet?

This past week-end’s pride parade in Ft Lauderdale ended in tragedy when a truck plowed into the group of marchers killing one participant. The mayor, who was at the event, immediately decried it as a terror attack against the LGBTQ+ community. The press went wild calling it Florida’s “Charlottesville moment.” Trump was blamed for spreading…

The world needs more truth tellers.

I like to check the news overseas every day just to see how things are ‘going’ in other parts of the world through a lens that isn’t American. A disturbing article out of France caught my eye the other day. The report stated that French “web influencers” were recently contacted by a London based firm…

Heads Up!

Last night I read an article about the origins of the Covid-19 pandemic and that it was quite likely the result of an accident at a Chinese lab. This is not a new assertion of course, but the source was a (supposedly classified) report from the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, the Department of Energy’s biodefense…

Truth as an impediment.

My husband and I have been enjoying an autobiographical book on tape. I’m not sure I can recommend it yet because, while enlightening, challenging and thought provoking, F-bombs drop like candy from a is very intense! The man “speaks truth to power” though, and I am all about it- regardless of how it’s presented….

Freedom to choose.

My friend said something so interesting to me a few weeks ago, “Never did I realize how important it could be which state you live in when a crisis hits.” Ya think? Texas has been under fire recently for lifting its mask mandate. Honestly, I don’t think we’ve ever had one for the entire state…

Cutting Corners

It’s exhausting, isn’t it? Whoever thought the roll-out of these COVID vaccines would be so mired in drama? Whoever thought the distribution of life-saving medicine would become mired in politics? Answer? We all thought it would. The latest concerning twist in the ongoing saga has been the push to raid the stash of second doses…