Summer Bubbles

There’s just something about hearing that cork pop. Now imagine you’re in a clothing store, surrounded by tropical colors and music and laughter and every 20 minutes or so you hear that tell-tale sound of another bottle of champagne being opened. This was the scene last week at Lilly Pulitzer’s flagship store. My daughter, in…

Where have you been all my life?

I was struggling to keep the conversation going as I dragged the bucket of sloshing water from room to room. “What are you doing?” my friend asked on the other end of the phone. “I’m mopping the floor” I grunted. “Are you using a bucket and mop?” came the reply with a note of incredulity,…

Target Practice

Poor cashier.. there she was, checking me out on aisle 5, a long line of customers behind me and her computer seizes up. What’s so interesting about millennials (OK, so maybe not all of them) is that the “broke-r” the tech gets, the faster they start clicking.. fingers randomly tapping this and that and this…

Razors… everywhere. (Why organizing your stuff is so..ugh 🥴)

I don’t think I’ve been this embarrassed since I found four (six?) bottles of Chipotle powder in my spice cabinet. It’s that same lack of inventory control..only this time it’s in the bathroom. I’ve got razors people.. enough of them to shave every leg of an elite, olympic swim team.. and lotion? I’ve got that…

Groundhog Day..nuthin’!

While I don’t understand all of details involved in the recent kerfuffle about GAME STOP, I can tell you that I’m not one bit surprised by the popularity of all things gaming thanks to the pandemic. If you thought kids (and adults) were hooked on their Play Stations and X-Boxes before Covid, my friend- you…