Are you a hoarder of negativity?

Have you ever watched the TV show, Hoarders? In the really nightmarish cases, the piles of junk in these homes have a ‘strata-like’ thing going on. While the stuff on the top of the pile is clearly recognizable, the oldest stuff on the way bottom has decomposed into a pressed down, smelly, almost unidentifiable, nasty…

Failing Inspection

This morning our local paper featured its report on recent restaurant inspections. My stomach tightened as I scrolled through the list of establishments that failed; happily, none the places we order take-out from were highlighted..this time. There were a few surprises though, local favorites were dinged for everything from grease build-up to improperly stored medicine….

My perfect kitchen.. no more. That was my thought as I leaned against the wall staring at the mysterious dent in my shiny, 18 month old, stainless steel refrigerator. I’d just concluded an exhaustive investigation into the matter, the prime suspect (my husband) maintaining his innocence under hours of relentless questioning. “Yes” he admitted, he’d snapped a…

THAT person..

I felt the nudge just as surely as if someone was speaking to me. It was about 4:30am and I was mid way through my prayers. My formula (if you can call it that) is pretty much the same every morning: I pray for my kids, my husband, our families, our friends and (esp these…

Blessed with an awful memory

My 89 year old mom has been struggling with her memory as of late. People’s names are becoming a particular problem and it frustrates the heck out of her when she can’t recall one she should the name of her doctor. “Mom,” I always remind her “it rhymes with Costco..” but she just can’t…

Why we need Christmas.

Last night I had the strangest (most realistic) dream- ever! The message I got from it was so strong, so clear that I feel absolutely compelled to share it this morning. Without going into every detail, because I can’t really remember them all, the basic “story line” went like this: I was standing in a…