My perfect kitchen.. no more. That was my thought as I leaned against the wall staring at the mysterious dent in my shiny, 18 month old, stainless steel refrigerator. I’d just concluded an exhaustive investigation into the matter, the prime suspect (my husband) maintaining his innocence under hours of relentless questioning. “Yes” he admitted, he’d snapped a…

The Great Park Ranger

My husband and I took a long bike ride through “old Florida” yesterday.. Miles and miles of sandy trails seemed to unfurl before our eyes leading us through ever changing landscapes like a meandering maze. Each time we came to an intersection, we just peddled wherever we felt led to go. I never once worried…

Braced for Impact

I absolutely hate driving when it’s dark. It never used to bother me until I hit a deer, now I drive with fists and butt clenched, eyes peeled for the parade of animals I’m convinced are poised to commit Harry Carry by jumping onto the hood of my car. It’s mentally and physically exhausting… 😩 This…


Last night I watched the Westminster Dog Show broadcasting live from NYC. This morning I’m reading horror stories about what’s happening to dogs in China because of Corona Virus fears. Same day, same world..the contrast is jarring. It makes me wonder about lines.. Lines between order and chaos, lines that separate modernity from primitivism, cooperation…


I stumbled upon this quote the other day and it got me thinking.. not “overthinking..” 😂 ..just pondering. Is overthinking really a product of under-doing? or Is under-doing a product of overthinking? Clearly having nothing to do can set the mind in motion and trigger all manner of overthinking and worries. Conversely, Overthinking clutters up…

Who’s in Charge here?

Today’s devotion in Jesus Calling was a good one on anxiety. Sarah Young’s first sentence was an attention grabber: “Anxiety is a result of envisioning a future without Me..” (Me being God.) When I think about my own anxious thoughts I would have to say she’s right. I play the ‘starring role’ in most of…