Phew..that was fun 🥴

Yesterday I finished phase 2 of “Operation Photo Organization.” Phase 1 began months ago in the thick of Covid as I sorted through hundreds and hundreds (and hundreds!) of loose photographs. I had boxes labeled and staged in the guest room and basically sat on the bed tossing pictures into them according to dates and/or…

Ring up a memory..

I finally realized the other day that the ringer on my i-phone wasn’t working. People would call, nothing would happen. I wish I could tell you this is my only complaint with the phone; it’s not– but no ringer is a BIG deal. I set out to fix the issue which included choosing a good…

How many e-mails are in your in-box?

It struck me (once again) as I searched for my missing wedding ring last week, that I am surrounded by clutter.. clutter being anything I am not using or don’t need. Every drawer I open, every closet, the pantry, the console in my car… there’s just extra stuff everywhere that’s unnecessary. Trust me when I…

“So let’s dance.. the last dance..”

This is like a weird countdown happening. As the days move on, we keep getting closer to the one year anniversary of Covid officially shutting down our lives.. I can’t put my finger on the exact day when it happened, but I know we are getting close. Last year for Valentines, my mom invited my…

Blessed with an awful memory

My 89 year old mom has been struggling with her memory as of late. People’s names are becoming a particular problem and it frustrates the heck out of her when she can’t recall one she should the name of her doctor. “Mom,” I always remind her “it rhymes with Costco..” but she just can’t…

Movie Recommendation – The Four Seasons Lodge.

The Four Seasons Lodge (available on Prime) is a precious documentary about a group of Holocaust survivors who travel to the Catskills each summer to spend time together catching up, reminiscing, dancing, singing, playing cards, swimming, drinking and worshipping. Little cottages dot the picturesque property and every year the groundskeeper airs them out in time…